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  • Selamat datang di IAI Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk, Jawa Timur
  • Selamat datang di IAI Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk, Jawa Timur
16 November 2019

International Conference on Language, Education, Economic, And Social Science-Call For Paper

Sab, 16 November 2019 Dibaca 273x News / Pascasarjana

Graduate School of Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic Institute of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia will conduct an International Conference on Language, Education, Economic, and Social Science (ICOLEESS). The conference will be in the form of Call for Papers in which all papers must be written and presented in English. All the selected papers will be published in an international proceeding.

Keytone Speakers

  1. Dr. Ma Tin Cho Mar, (Myanmar) with a paper entitled Management of Developing Human Resources in Higher Education.
  2. Andrea Rene Mason, MA., Ph.D, (University of Idaho USA) with a paper entitled English Language Teaching: Issues and Directions for Curriculum Development.
  3. Prof. Madya Dr. Raja Zuraidah Binti Raja Mohd Rasi, (Professor of UTHM Malaysia) with a paper entitled Issues and Challenges of Block Chain Technologies to Developing Islamic Economic.
  4. Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd, (UIN Maliki Malang) with a paper entitled Constructivism Language Pedagogy from the Perspective of 21st Century: New Frontiers in Bilingual Education.
  5. Dr. Sokip, M.Pd.I, (Associate professor of Graduate School of IAIN Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia) with a paper entitled The Importance of Understanding Educational Psychology for Educator.
  6. Dr. Sopingi, AP. MM. (Director of Graduate School of Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic Institute of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia) with a paper entitled The Implementation of Green Industry in Small Industries of Tiles and Brick in Nganjuk District, East Java, Indonesia.
  7. Dr. H. Muhtarom, M.Ag. (Senior Lecturer of Graduate School of Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic Institute, of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia) with paper entitled Principal Transformational Leadership for Increasing School Quality.

Conference Date

NOVEMBER 22, 2019
at Auditorium Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic Institute (IAI) of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia

Organized by

Graduate School of Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic Institute of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia


1. Accepted and presented full papers at the conference will be published
2. in the International conference proceeding with ISBN.
3. The proceeding will be archived on line in site of Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic Institute (IAI) of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia

Step 1
Download Paper Template, Templates can be downloaded

Step 2
Format Requirements, Full Paper is Written in 4-6 Pages, Formats of doc and doct are

Step 3
Submit Your Full Paper to email:, Full Paper Submission Deadline November 19, 2019

Step 4
The Accepted, Accepted full paper will get Letter of Acceptance (LoA), Full Paper Acceptance Notification November 20, 2019

Student Participant 100.000 IDR
Public Participant 300.000 IDR
Presenter 500.000 IDR


Brochure can be downloaded here

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